
Problem Spaces (5 points)

Your first assignment is to talk to someone about problems they encounter.

Brainstorming Quad Chart (5 points)

Based on our brainstroming activity from week two, please create a quad chart with the following:

You will present these in class in a two-minute presentation (1pt) with your partners.

Request for Approval (10 points)

The Request for Approval (RFA) is the formal presentation of a project idea to the course staff. For the rest of the semester, we will consider engineering design through the lens of a project of your choosing. As a first step, everyone must first choose a project. This is a multi-step process that is performed through interaction with your fellow students and the course staff on the ECE398 Web board.

Step 1 - Problem Space Discussion (7 points)

The goal of discussion is to identify problem spaces of interest, narrow them into problem statements, formalize a set of high-level requirements, and describe potential solutions.

  1. Problem Space - Post a problem space on the Web board!
  2. Ambiguity Reduction - Discuss the problem spaces with your fellow students and the instructors on the Web board to narrow the problem spaces into a single problem statement of interest. Many of the ambiguity reduction techniques we have discussed are an excellent way to spark debate.
  3. Problem Statement - Once you have identified a problem of interest, please note it in the Web board as:
    • "PROBLEM STATEMENT - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lectus odio, dapibus venenatis posuere nec, pharetra nec ex. Ut nec mattis lorem."
  4. Requirements - Move the discussion to the composition of requirements, working to reduce ambiguity. Formalize these in the post as:
    • "REQUIREMENT #1 - Donec et ultrices purus. Nam sed elementum eros. Nunc ac risus ut mauris vulputate dictum. Fusce diam lorem, iaculis vel condimentum a, lobortis finibus magna."
    • "REQUIREMENT #2 - Nulla luctus dui et ligula commodo sagittis."
  5. Potential Solutions - Once you have a set of requirements, form a team, and pose three potential solutions for discussion. We also recommend going to ECE445 office hours (posted on the door of 2070 ECEB) for discussion with TAs.
  6. Finalize Solution - do so in a one - two sentence description as:
    • "PROPOSED SOLUTION - Proin cursus ipsum ut quam condimentum, non finibus orci iaculis."
  7. Once you have done this, the course staff will suggest that you post an RFA.

Step 2 - New Post, RFA (3 points)

The RFA is a formal summary of the discussions you have on the Web board. It should be a one paragraph statement that includes:



The introduction is, in this class, a one page document that outlines the: objective, background, and high-level requirements of your project.

Block Diagram and Block Descriptions (5 points)

The block diagram and block descriptions provide an explanation of your design.

Block Diagram (2.5 points)

The block diagram is a graphical representation of your proposed system. A good block diagram should have the following properties.

Block Descriptions (2.5 points)

The block descriptions provide context and justification for each of the subsystems and blocks in the diagram. There are many ways to write these statements, but for this class, we have discussed the following template.
  1. One sentence summary of the purpose of the block.
  2. A description of why this block was chosen over potential alternatives.
  3. Description of what the inputs to the block are and where they come from.
  4. Description of what actions the block takes on each of the inputs.
  5. Description of what outputs the block produces and where they are sent.
Each block should be as modular as possible. In other words, they can be implemented independently and re-assembled later. The block diagram should be accompanied by a brief (1 paragraph) description of the high level design justifying that the design will satisfy the high-level requirements.

Requirements and Verifications

Your requirements should outline all critical functions of each block and define what it means for each block to function correctly. Your verification procedures should outline the specific tests that you will conduct to verify that each requirement is met. Specific details on writing good requirements and verification for your project can be found on the ECE445 R&V page. The most common pitfall here is that a requirement should not be derived from the specifications of individual components you have used in your design. Rather, the specific components should have been chosen because they meet the requirements you have specified!

Requirements (2.5 points)

Each requirement should have the following properties.

Verifications (2.5 points)

Each verification should have the following properties. * Notes from the ECE398 lecture relevant to this assignment are also posted at R&V Assignment Notes.

Risk and Tolerance Analyses

Our goal is to identify modules within our project that are high risk and find ways to reduce the risks. For the purpose of this assignment, we are defining risk as the probability of occurrence multiplied by the consequence of that event occuring.

  1. Define scales (1 pt) - Your first task is to define a scale on which to judge the probability of occurrence and another for the consequence of occurrence. We recommend a simple point scale ranging from 1-5 (very unlikely to occur ranging to very likely to occur or having little/no consequences ranging to catastrophic consequences) .
  2. Risk Scores (1 pt) - After you have defined your scale, discuss one scenario of failure for each block in your design and summarize that scenario in one sentence. Assign that scenario a risk score based on your scales. This is similar to our discussion of a failure mode analysis during the lecture.
  3. Riskiest Component (1 pt) - After you have assigned a risk score to each scenario, define the block that is the riskiest for your project as the one with the highest risk score.
  4. Risk Mitigation (1 pt) - For your riskiest component, discuss 3 ways that you could mitigate this risk in your design. Summarize your risk mitigation techniques in one sentence bullets.
  5. Tolerance Analysis (1 pt) - Finally, for this riskiest component, describe how you would perform a tolerance analysis to make sure that this block will satisfy your specifications.
For a reminder of the discussion we had in class, see the lecture slides on tolerance and risk.

Schedule and Budget

Assume a schedule that is 8 weeks long for your project. Please present both the budget and schedule as tables.

Presentation #1

Presentation of the first group project. For the first presentation your goal is to describe the problem you are addressing and your specific solution to a non-technical audience. Think of yourselves as consultants who have been approached to solve a problem and are now presenting your solution to the your clients. In this case, the purpose of re-presenting the problem is to make sure that both the customers and the consultants are on the same page. This presentation will be heard by the TAs and Professors of the course and questions may be of either a technical or non-technical nature.


For the second proposal, we will be following the format of the ECE445 project proposal.

Video Lecture

Video, Slides

The proposal outlines your project's motivation, design, requirements, ethics, and safety. The project proposal is an expansion on the information provided in the RFA. Use the following format:

  1. Introduction

    • Objective: One to two paragraphs detailing the problem statement and proposed solution.
    • Background: One to two paragraphs explaining the context of the problem to be solved by your project, including any relevent references to justify the existence and/or importance of the problem (i.e., the need or want for a solution).
    • High-level requirements list: A list of at most three quantitative characteristics that this project must exhibit in order to solve the problem. Each high-level requirement must be stated in complete sentences and displayed as a bulleted list.
  2. Design
    • Block Diagram: A general block diagram of the design of your solution. Each block should be as modular as possible. In other words, they can be implemented independently and re-assembled later. The block diagram should be accompanied by a brief (1 paragraph) description of the high level design justifying that the design will satisfy the high-level requirements.
    • Physical Design (if applicable): A physical diagram of the project indicating things such as mechanical dimensions or placement of sensors and actuators. The physical diagram should also be accompanied by a brief one paragraph description.
    • Block Requirements: Include requirements for each block in the block diagram (requirements only, verification will be added for the Design Document). Please see the R&V page for instructions on how to write requirements. Every block must have a minimum of one requirement.
    • Risk Analysis: Identify the block or interface that poses the greatest risk to successful completion of the project. Justify your choice.
  3. Ethics and Safety
    Assess the ethical and safety issues relevant to your project. Consider both issues arising during the development of your project and those which could arise from the accidental or intentional misuse of your project. Specific ethical issues should be discussed in the context of the IEEE and/or ACM Code of Ethics. Cite, but do not copy the Codes. Explain how you will avoid ethical breaches. Cite and discuss relevant safety and regulatory standards as they apply to your project. Review state and federal regulations, industry standards, and campus policy. Identify potential safety concerns in your project.

Requirements and Grading

Please see the Proposal Grading Rubric for grading details. Please see Example Proposal for reference. Note that this proposal is an excellent example of what is expected of a proposal that would receive an "A" grade.

Design Review Document

Video Lecture

Video, Slides


As with the proposal, the design review document will follow the ECE445 format. The design document communicates the complete and detailed design of your project. It is substantially more detailed than the proposal and prepares you for the assembly phase of the semester. A quality design document is the key to a successful project. Use the following format.

  1. Introduction (5 points)

    • Objective: One to two paragraphs detailing the problem statement and proposed solution.
    • Background: One to two paragraphs explaining the context of the problem to be solved by your project, including any relevant references to justify the existence and/or importance of the problem (i.e., the need or want for a solution).
    • High-level requirements list: A list of characteristics that this project must exhibit in order to solve the problem. Each high-level requirement must be stated in complete sentences and displayed as a bulleted list.
  2. Design
    • Block Diagram (3 points): A general block diagram of the design of your solution. Each block should be as modular as possible. In other words, they can be implemented independently and re-assembled later. The block diagram should be accompanied by a brief (1 paragraph) description of the high level design justifying that the design will satisfy the high-level requirements.
    • Physical Design (if applicable): A physical diagram of the project indicating things such as mechanical dimensions or placement of sensors and actuators. The physical diagram should also be accompanied by a brief one paragraph description.
    • Block Design: A detailed design for every block in the block diagram, including software and mechanical design. Each block design should include the following.
      1. Functional Overview (4 points): A highly detailed and quantitative block description. Each description must include a statement indicating how the block contributes to the overall design dictated by the high-level requirements. Any and all design decisions must be clearly justified. Any interfaces with other blocks must be defined clearly and quantitatively.
      2. Requirements and Verifications (4 points) Requirements and verifications for each block must be included. Please see the R&V page for guidance on writing requirements and verification procedures.
      3. Supporting Material (3 points) Include any relevent supporting figures and data in order to clearly illustrate and justify the design. Typically a well justified block design will include some or all of the following items:
        3 points will be awarded for (1) the inclusion of an electrical schematic for one module of your project and (2) the description of one calculation.
        • Circuit Schematics
        • Simulations
        • Calculations
        • Measurements
        • Flow charts (often for software)
        • Mechanical diagrams (e.g. CAD drawings, only necessary for mechanical components)
    • Tolerance and Risk Analysis (2 points) The tolerance and risk analysis section should follow the same format at the Risk and Tolerance Analyses assignment, listed above.
  3. Cost and Schedule (4 points)
    1. Cost Analysis: Include a cost analysis of the project by following the outline below. Include a list of any non-standard parts, lab equipment, shop services, etc., which will be needed with an estimated cost for each.
      • LABOR: (For each partner in the project)
        Assume a reasonable salary ($/hour) x 2.5 x hours to complete = TOTAL. Then total labor for all partners. It's a good idea to do some research into what a graduate from ECE at Illinois might typically make.
      • PARTS:
        Include a table listing all parts (description, manufacturer, part #, quantity and cost) and quoted machine shop labor hours that will be needed to complete the project.
    2. Schedule: Include a time-table showing when each step in the expected sequence of design and construction work will be completed (for a 12 week schedule), and how the tasks will be shared between the team members. (i.e. Select architecture, Design this, Design that, Buy parts, Assemble this, Assemble that, Prepare mock-up, Integrate prototype, Refine prototype, Test integrated system).
  4. Discussion of Ethics and Safety (3 points)
    1. Expand upon the ethical and safety issues raised in your proposal to ensure they are comprehensive. Add any ethical and safety concerns that arose since your proposal.
    2. Document procedures to mitigate the safety concerns of your project. For example, include a lab safety document for batteries, human/animal interfaces, aerial devices, high-power, chemicals, etc. Justify that your design decisions sufficiently protect both users and developers from unsafe conditions caused by your project.
  5. Citations (2 points) We didn't cover the proper way to include citations during class, but I would like you to include citations in the design review document. Points will be awarded for their presence, not their format. Any material obtained from websites, books, journal articles, or other sources not originally generated by the project team must be appropriately attributed with properly cited sources in a standardized style such as IEEE, ACM, APA, or MLA.

Final Presentation

Presentation of the second group project. Your goal is to describe the problem you are addressing and your specific solution to a large non-technical audience. Think of yourselves as a project team are presenting your solution to a group of stakeholders. In this case, the purpose of representing the problem is to convince everyone that you understand the problem, have outlined the solution requirements, and have a potential solution. This presentation will be given to your TAs, Professors, and class mates. Questions may be of either a technical or non-technical nature.

The challenge of this presentation is to provide the audience with a great deal of content is a very short period of time. Do not spend too much time on any one section or it will take away from the overall presentation.